HIFU Facelift

What is HIFU treatment?

For those who are not ready for a surgical facelift. Learn how to treat your loose skin without surgery.

Dualsonic HIFU treatment is High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound, an advanced cosmetic technology that significantly tightens and lifts several areas of the face. It also reduces signs of aging and improves the tone of the skin in a single session.
The HIFU Facelift was developed a little over a decade ago.

It involves using ultrasound energy or laser beams to trigger the production of natural collagen in the body.

This production of collagen then makes the skin around the face tighter and more supple.

One of the reasons why it is so popular is that it deploys the body’s natural resources.

This means that there is no need for surgery and so there is no need for healing and such.

In addition, it is a natural procedure, so clients only look like an enhanced version of themselves.

Several small clinical trials have found HIFU to be safe and effective for facial lifting and refining wrinkles. People were able to see results in a few months after treatment, without the risks associated with surgery.

The increase in collagen results in tighter, firmer skin with fewer wrinkles. Since the high-frequency ultrasound beams are focused on a specific tissue site below the skin’s surface, there’s no damage to the upper layers of the skin and adjacent issue.

Dualsonic HIFU is the non-invasive treatment for lifting the skin on the neck, chin, and brow, and improving lines and wrinkles on the décolletage. Dualsonic HIFU uses microfocused ultrasound to lift and tighten loose skin over time, without any downtime.

HIFU Facelift is a long-lasting, non-surgical, non-invasive treatment.

HIFU is a relatively new cosmetic treatment for skin tightening that some consider a noninvasive and painless replacement for face lifts. It uses ultrasound energy to encourage the production of collagen, which results in firmer skin.

HIFU is most widely known for its use in treating tumors. The first reported use of HIFU for aesthetic use was in 2008.

Benefits of HIFU facelift treatments

Each year more people take the HIFU route to facelifts because of its numerous benefits.

Here are some of its benefits of taking the HIFU Facelift treatment:

  • Reduces wrinkles and tightens saggy skin
  • Lifts the cheeks, eyebrows, and eyelids
  • Enhancing jawline definition
  • Natural looking and long-lasting results
  • Tightening sagging skin on the neck
  • Tightening of the décolletage
  • Smoothing the skin
  • Low risk of side effects such as erectile dysfunction and incontinence often associated with radiation therapy or surgery.
  • No damage to surrounding tissues or organs.
  • HIFU can be repeated, if necessary, without damaging healthy tissue.
  • One treatment with HIFU compared to multiple treatments sessions with radiation therapy/IMRT.
  • Radiation free.
  • No blood loss.
  • No recovery time required to return to normal activity
  • Non-invasive
  • Non-surgical treatment
  • Precision

HIFU for face cost

According to ASAPS, the average cost for a nonsurgical skin tightening procedure in 2017 was $1500. This is a drastic difference from a surgical facelift procedure, which carried an average cost of $7500.

Ultimately, the cost will depend the area being treated and your geographic location, as well as the total number of sessions needed to achieve the desired results.

Who is not candidate for HIFU treatment?

Older people with more extensive photo-aging, severe skin laxity, or very saggy skin on the neck aren’t good candidates and may need surgery.
HIFU isn’t recommended for people with infections and open skin lesions at the target area, severe or cystic acne, and metallic implants in the treatment area.

HIFU won’t work as well for people with more severe cases of sagging skin.

Who is a good candidate for HIFU treatment?

HIFU may not be appropriate for everyone. In general, the procedure works best on people older than 30 with mild-to-moderate skin laxity.
People with photodamaged skin or a high degree of loose skin may need several treatments before seeing results.
Loose skin under the neck and under the chin, or lines and wrinkles on the chest, are signals a patient might be a candidate. Typically, those in their 30s and older who have mild to moderate skin laxity are candidates. While Dualsonic HIFU is not a replacement for a surgical facelift, there are many people who want some facial lifting but are not ready for surgery, whether mentally, physically, or financially. There also are younger people who want to «stay ahead of the game,» as well as patients wanting an aesthetic maintenance option.

How does Dualsonic HIFU stimulate the creation of collagen?

Collagen is a natural protein that gives skin its youthfulness by keeping it firm and toned. As we age, collagen breaks down, and the result is a loss of skin strength and elasticity. Dualsonic HIFU uses microfocused ultrasound to generate a thermal effect under the skin. The thermal effect essentially jump-starts your body’s own process that produces fresh, new collagen.

How many treatments does it take?

The majority of patients only need one treatment; however, some may benefit from more than one treatment, depending on how much skin laxity they have and their body’s own biological response to the ultrasound and the collagen-building process. Follow-up HIFU treatments each year may help maintain results.

Are there any side effects?

There may be slight redness that typically resolves within a few hours following the treatment. Some patients may have slight swelling, tingling, or tenderness to the touch, but these are mild and temporary in nature.

How long does it last?

Since the procedure stimulates a person’s own collagen production, how long the results last depends on the individual. While results appear over two to three months, they can last up to a year or more. The treatment produces new collagen on the inside, but the individual’s natural aging process will dictate how long that translates into visible results on the outside. Future touch-up treatments can help provide more control over the aging process, which varies by individual.

How does HIFU differ from laser treatments?

Dualsonic HIFU uses sound energy—tried-and-true ultrasound—which has unique properties that allow it to bypass the surface of the skin to treat depths not matched by any other non-invasive cosmetic device. Dualsonic HIFU ultrasound stimulates collagen production in the skin’s foundation, resulting in a clinically significant lift of tissue over two to three months. Some lasers rely on light energy, which cannot reach deeper skin layers.

Dualsonic HIFU procedure

The practitioner usually begins HIFU facial rejuvenation by cleaning the chosen area of the face and applying a gel. Then, they use a handheld device that emits the ultrasound waves in short bursts. Each session typically lasts 30–90 minutes.

Dualsonic HIFU doesn’t do any discomfort during the treatment and no any pain afterward. No any anesthetic required to prevent pain.

Unlike other cosmetic procedures, including laser hair removal, HIFU facials do not require any preparation. When a session is over, there is also no recovery time, which means that people can get on with their daily activities after receiving HIFU treatment.

No surgery

Unlike lasers, radio frequency, surgery, and other technologies, nonsurgical Dualsonic HIFU bypasses the surface of the skin through ultrasound energy with focused imaging—to target just the right amount at the right depths and the right temperature. The result is a jumpstart to your body’s own collagen production.

A collagen comeback

As a natural protein, collagen works to give skin its youthfulness by keeping it firm and toned. As we age, collagen breaks down, and the result is a loss of skin strength and elasticity.That’s where Dualsonic HIFU steps in and lifts up, through ultrasound therapy.

How does it work?

Dualsonic HIFU uses microfocused ultrasound with visualization to non-invasively treat the same deep tissue planes as a modern facelift. Similar to a magnifying glass focusing sunlight, ultrasound energy precisely targets dermal and subdermal tissues. Heat is generated only at the treatment site; intervening tissues and the skin’s surface are unaffected. Target tissue is heated to approximately 65°C, triggering immediate collagen denaturation and collagen synthesis. As part of body’s wound healing response, long-term collagen remodeling delivers a gradual, natural-looking lift. Results can last a year or more.